Yesterday I got all of my shots at the health department. A total of four were needed, two in both arms. Needless to say, my arms both feel like they are about to fall off! This is necessary as there are still significant health risks in Tanzania and under the premise "better safe than sorry" it is well worth it. All my questions about possible health risks, including what to look out for (high fever) were answered and overall (except for the shots) it was a pleasant experience. I also start my malaria pills today and given that some of the side effects include hallucinations as well as some even more severe effects I am hoping not to have any adverse reactions.

After my trip to the health department, I returned to the Tanzanian Consulate to pick up my passport. For other Dutchies needing a Tanzanian visa- be aware- they do not accept debit/credit cards and are cash only. As you can see from the picture here, my Visa was approved. Apparently upon arriving in Tanzania I have to request a residence permit to stay longer than the allotted 90 days allowed under my Visa. Keep your fingers crossed that this occurs without any problems :) I will update on the progress of that as it occurs.
I also want to thank everyone who has donated so far. I am deeply appreciative of all your donations.
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