Just five days left before I make my big move to Dar. All of a sudden time is going very fast and I seem to be moving very slowly! Although I have started packing, not having a clue what to bring is making it very difficult! Since this involves taking lots of breaks, I have been able to finish all my thank you cards so far.
Being told that anything I may forget (because we all know there will be something!) will probably be available has reassured me. Since it will be the short rainy season when I'm there, I'll definitely need a good raincoat and some sturdy shoes. check and check. Mosquito spray is also on the top of my list and has been purchased in high quantity.

On Sunday we had a fundraising party. We held a proper English Tea with scones and sandwiches and all kinds of other delicious goodies. I was so busy that I barely had a chance to eat but what I did taste was scrumptious and I'm sure everyone enjoyed it. The party was in honor of my mother (doesn't she look beautiful :) who is having a milestone birthday, my father who is retiring in a few weeks and my little brother who just graduated college. They all have such big hearts that they decided to ask people to donate to my trip instead of giving them individual gifts. So now I can truly say that without the support of my family this all would not have been possible. I am so grateful for their generosity as well as the generosity of all those who donated. I had such a fun time speaking to everyone about what awaits me and am excited that they will (hopefully) all follow along on this blog. It was great to see people who I haven't seen in a very long time. One guest even brought a very old photo of me which was priceless. That's it below. That's me third from the left and my older brother (sorry Thomas :) is the little boy in the red sweater. So fun and very thoughtful.

Back to plans for my trip. I've now spoken to Olaf, who lives in Dar, and has very generously offered to let me stay with him for a few days while I sort out my accomodations there. Although I have the option of having accomodations when I arrive, I think it would be good to see the places before I decide where to stay. That, and it will be nice to see a familiar face :) So with that said, I now must continue packing. Wish me luck! Any suggestions on what to bring can be posted in the comments and is greatly appreciated!
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