>>Colobus monkey | <>
At the edge of the world |
not sure what I'm pointing at |
does it get any better? |
We stood right there |
Our mid-day snack |
This cow fell off the side and its owner couldn't get it back up |
people |
Amazing views |
More amazing views |
Clouds, but no rain, absolutely perfect weather |
We also stood right there |
Collapsed his own house to make red-clay bricks |
Passion fruit flower |
Chameleon |
Being attacked by sugarcane plants |
Our awesome guide Peter |
Walking to the water to do laundry |
So beautiful |
Doing the laundry by the waterfall |
And a little fishing to pass the time |
Another chameleon- I touched it! |
Just along the road |
Two little ladies, lots of 'tude |
Kiboko, our swiss host |
Swiss Farm Cottage |
Pretend picking tea leaves at the tea plantation |
A-mazing :) |
My driving was stalled by an obstacle- a wayward cow |
Wow |
That's one of the roads we drove on |
More obstacles. |
It's like a postcard :) |
Here are the pictures of the Lushoto/Mkuzi trip. As you can tell, I finally have internet again at the office (and power- all on the same day, it’s a miracle)
Finally I get a taste of the real “African experience”. As you know we have not had power in the office regularly for about two weeks now. Luckily we usually have power at home and have always had power at home at night. That is, until yesterday. Yesterday the power went off at the office just after four. When I got home around 5 the power was off at home too. No big deal since it usually comes back on again. And it did this time as well. Around 6 or so it came back on so I went to the supermarket to get dinner and when I got back pitch blackness greeted me. I could hear the generator next door going and knew the power was out again. This outage lasted all night and this morning when we left for work there was still no electricity.
When it rains it pours or so they say. It did rain last night, which was actually a blessing because it cooled everything down just a teeny tiny bit. The bad news was that this weekend we had no water from the main so we were unable to fill up the tank. Yesterday, we ran out of water so I was really glad when the water from the main was trickling at least a little bit into the tank. At least we could shower. Then I was reminded that without electricity, the pump would not work so it was all just a pipe dream and the shower would not be happening. So this morning I had my first bucket shower. It actually sounds a lot worse than it is. I guess when you’ve been sweating all night long, a shower, bucket or otherwise is a welcome event.
I’m currently in my last week of work because next Tuesday my brother is arriving. I’m very excited to show him around and we have lots of fun things planned during his stay. It’ll be a whirlwind but fantastic fun, I’m sure. I’m also really excited to see a familiar face and to have a family member here. Olaf and I are finally going to get to go to the Selous. We were going to do a test run of it before my brother arrived but never got around to it. We will also be going to Zanzibar and I will definitely be showing him all around Dar (although not the most exciting part of Tanzania, it’ll be fun showing him where I work and how I’ve been living here).
whoa!!! you are right on target when you wrote "like a post card"! how beautiful!